Tutorial Online WE9
1. Agan Register dulu Disini dan isi semua datanya mulai dari Username & Password. Untuk Serial copas code ini Code: nxud-pacv-em2x-kpc9-6ayu 2. Kalo udah agan download File Ini trus ekstrak & copas folder network ke Kiterver>GDB (Replace jika ada peringatan) 3. Buka Notepad & Copas kode dibawah ini (warna merah ) trus save as.. eits jangan luoa save as type pilih all & rename Network.cfg (hpus .txt) Code: # Configuration file for network module network.server = "pesgame.net" network.stun-server = "stunserver.org" network.roster.update = 0 network.roster.update.baseurl = "http://pes5-club.pesgame.net/updates/" network.roster.hash = 1 # set this to 1, if you want to practice or play with # rosters used in network mode. network.option.enabled = 0 # this will make the kitserver cache your login/password # and populate the fields when you connect to the server. # If you do not want this, set the following option to 0. netwo...